
NWEA's new podcast tackles systemic racism in schools

Topics include school funding, multifariousness in the instruction workforce and testing inequities

Education leaders on the "Testing America's Freedom, Teaching leaders on the "Testing America's Freedom," podcast will examine policies, and practices that take exacerbated racial inequities in schools. (GettyImages/Terry Vine)

Aaliyah Samuel

Aaliyah Samuel

A new podcast that examines systemic racism in America's schools will detail strategies superintendents and their teams can deploy to build disinterestedness in education, its creators say.

"Testing America's Freedom," produced the testing nonprofit NWEA, volition feature education leaders discussing the laws, policies, and practices that accept exacerbated racial inequities in schools.

HostAaliyah Samueland her guests volition comprehend school funding, diverseness in the education workforce and testing inequities, among other topics.

"Inequities within our public education system do not be by accident, they are the result of carefully orchestrated policies that used tools like school funding, divestment and testing to perpetuate achievement and outcome gaps for students of colour," says Samuel, NWEA's executive vice president of government affairs and partnerships.

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"Although the past may exist grim, as educational leaders, we have the opportunity to utilize these same tools to reimagine systems of learning and didactics so we tin can construct a more than equitable future," Samuel says.

The five episodes are:

  1. Testing America'southward liberty
  2. School funding: The real challenge in achieving educational equity
  3. What's race got to do with It? Everything.
  4. The missing summative: What does it mean for the futurity of assessment?
  5. Paving the fashion for an equitable future: Words of wisdom from the next generation of leaders

Guests of the podcast include, amid others:

  • Lea Austin, co-director of Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at The Academy of California Berkeley
  • Wayne D. Lewis Jr., dean of the School of Pedagogy at Belmont University
  • Daniel Thatcher, senior boyfriend for education finance policy at the National Briefing of State Legislatures
  • Thomas Toch, managing director of FutureEd
  • Jason Willis, area director for strategic resource planning & implementation at WestEd

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